all s well here - save for a few mssng eys on ths eyboard....
how approprate that ths s one of the letters/words have to drop n ths process - i lost my ablty to tal k usng "me"...
yesterday came and went relatvely non-eventfully whch s good n the short term... - as was repeated all throughout the day yesterday - "c'est calm". we'll have to wat and see what happens as the ballots are counted - the publc response to the outcome - and perhaps most mportant wll be the publc response to how electons and those who are elected do or do NOT change the congo "status quo".
as for my efforts here - am startng to go through the materals photos and vdeo footage to create a coherent synopss of the programs FEWER has been partcpatng n - most specfcally cvc educaton.
t s hard to launch nto ths story as t s so complex and laden wth socal and poltcal bacground and meanng - somehow fgure out how to communcate the challenges potental and hope of the program and at the same tme conveyng the hstory and the meanng of t... becuase to put ths story n palltabe form means reducng t - and reducng t means excludng people's experence and context - and to exclude the ntrcatces of people's experence means perpetuatng the same cycle that created the stuaton n the frst place.
and somehow do ths wthout spotlghtng chldren wth fles n ther eyes...
got a UN flght lned up - or so they say. we'll see f the plane taes off....
more soon - hopefully from a eyboard that allows me to use the letter "eye" even f only for your ease...
how approprate that ths s one of the letters/words have to drop n ths process - i lost my ablty to tal k usng "me"...
yesterday came and went relatvely non-eventfully whch s good n the short term... - as was repeated all throughout the day yesterday - "c'est calm". we'll have to wat and see what happens as the ballots are counted - the publc response to the outcome - and perhaps most mportant wll be the publc response to how electons and those who are elected do or do NOT change the congo "status quo".
as for my efforts here - am startng to go through the materals photos and vdeo footage to create a coherent synopss of the programs FEWER has been partcpatng n - most specfcally cvc educaton.
t s hard to launch nto ths story as t s so complex and laden wth socal and poltcal bacground and meanng - somehow fgure out how to communcate the challenges potental and hope of the program and at the same tme conveyng the hstory and the meanng of t... becuase to put ths story n palltabe form means reducng t - and reducng t means excludng people's experence and context - and to exclude the ntrcatces of people's experence means perpetuatng the same cycle that created the stuaton n the frst place.
and somehow do ths wthout spotlghtng chldren wth fles n ther eyes...
got a UN flght lned up - or so they say. we'll see f the plane taes off....
more soon - hopefully from a eyboard that allows me to use the letter "eye" even f only for your ease...
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